CAN-DAN’s Floor Frame, an “outside the box” solution for your accessible restroom
Using the floor to install a wall mounted change table

Designing an accessible restroom can be a challenge, especially if you are renovating an existing restroom. A typical restroom has limited available space, already crowded with appliances (toilets, sinks, partitions, accessories, plumbing, electrical, etc.). With your accessible restroom design, you need to make “more space” so that it is functional (for example – an adequate turning radius!) and add new solutions including an adult changing table.
The adult changing table can be a tough one to fit into the space… Unlike a baby change station, an adult changing table is a lot bigger! The table takes up space support the size of an adult. And to be functional, it needs to be big enough to allow a caregiver or user to safely use the changing table. Size does matter!
Best solution: An adult changing table that is wall mounted AND folds up against the wall. Saves space and functional!

But first we have to tackle the wall before we choose the preferred solution. The wall is a key factor to tackle. And questions to ask for the project – Was the wall built to support the use of an adult change table? Is it a wall that was structurally engineered and designed to be load bearing? If you are unsure of these answers, consult with an engineer who will need to work with your construction company to design a load bearing wall.
Check with a structural engineer before you add a change table to any wall. Safety first.
If the expense to re-design and build a load bearing wall is beyond the scope of your accessible washroom project and impacts your budget, Can-Dan has developed a FLOOR FRAME that allows you to mount a change table to any wall by using the floor frame. The Floor frame is designed to support the load capacity of a changing table, utilizing the strength of the concrete floor. The changing table is fully functional on a floor frame, only difference is the ability to install the wall mount change table into the floor with the CAN-DAN floor frame.
The Floor frame is yet another example of a CAN-DAN solution, making design and accessibility with quality solutions that are safe and functional.
Building accessibility defines who we are.